Matching a Thermometer to a Thermowell

We're frequently asked how to ensure the thermometer is correctly matched to the thermowell.

Generally speaking, the application determines the insertion length of the thermowell. For accurate readings, the thermowell should be immersed into the process at a point where a representative temperature is present.

Once the thermowell insertion length is determined, the correct thermometer stem length can be selected. This measurement is the length from the top of the mounting threads to the tip of the stem. Industry standard stem lengths simplify the process, so just keep in mind the total thermowell length should equal the thermometer stem length plus ¼" for most applications.

Matching a thermometer correctly to a thermowell

For more detail on thermowell selection see the Tel-Tru Thermowell Selection Guide on page 4(i) of our brochure.
A printable PDF version of this material is also available, click here.
